part of MY BOOK ,

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 13, 2010

muchoooo agrasias amigos !

i have a lot of amigos who really stand beside me but are they really honest to be friends with me? YES! they are. of course i love them with my own admire heart. they are happening and always laughing like an peacock who always live with high face. HAHA. noob friends. thanks guys. i dont know what to do if living and studying without you guys. thanks a lot BESTIES! some philosophy says : it may be easy to be friends with everyone, but it is hard to find friends who are really true to friendship and would stand by, during the hardships of life. Not everyone is blessed with true friends and if you have even one, consider yourself lucky.

A number of adjectives - such as best, close, intimate, special, trusted - are used to describe the depth of friendship. Although friends are classified into such 'categories', the underlying meaning for the relation shared with each of them would remain the same. Friends laugh in each other's happiness, cry when one is hurt, offer help without thinking twice and thank the Almighty that they found each other.

this is MIMI SYAHERRA. she's my one bestie in my world. she knew me in deep and really understand my lifestyle. never regret be friends with her because she always stand behind me even she was way far from me. its okay, even though she has a lot of friends there she still with me! right mie? hahahaha. remember the first time we meet when we were form 1? oh my, funny huh. masing2 malu2. suddenly, jd bestie plak. lovely! the time kita gaduh teruk gila time form 3. yelaaa, im sorry sbb time tu aku admit aku yg byk brubah. sorry mie. serious,tk nk loose kau lahh. hoping that our friendship will never till i get married okay? HAHAHAHAHA. thanks heart, dont leave me! love yah, (:

SITI NADIA or neddy cokot (: HAHAHAHA. the best girl i ever met in the town baby! she's funny, adorable, happening, lovely, understanding and many more. she took care of me a lot. she love me like she love her boyfie. im just like her LESBO to be short. okay okay. one story about her, dulu first time i kenal dia, dia sombong nak mati. then, i start duduk sebelah dia. she talk talk and talk. oh my, rupanya dia unstoppable talker kot. HAHA. i love you nadia! she has a lot gf actually. i kenal smue gilfie dia. and, some of her gilfie is my girlfriends (: right nadia? nadia like mastermind. apa yg dia ckp smue org akan ikut. fantastic ini wonder woman. thats good to have you in my life sbb everytime i lonely, you are here for me no matter i susah or senang. and thanks for the memories that we been through before. i will never forget because its fulled my memory mind. another thing guys, she love me more than anything. i know that ! (: i hearrrrrrrrrrt you.

mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SITI AISYAH (: hehe. you know what? she teach me how to be strong and be a real girl. she's fine always laugh even when she sad. i love the strength inside her. she said to me once that never give up even you loose. yes! now, im not loosing but im winning. thanks maaa. kdg2 biasalah gaduh sikit2 tuh selalu jd. hehehe. gaduh manja. kn cah? hehehe. suka sgt bila dia teman i tidur malam2. hahahah. i tidur tk boleh ttp lampu. ksian dia, dia kene la tahan. alaa, few months jeh. lepas tuh, smua layannn. kn kn kn? hehehehe. because of me, dia suka JB or my JUSTIN BIEBERRRRR. thats right baby! she loves my boy. HAHA. maa, next sem nak tumpang bilik study sama2 ehh? hehehe. nak tauu. jnji? love youuu <33333

this lovely girl and sweet is WAN's sweetheart. her name is NURUL HUSNA. i call her sweet sbb dia pandai amik hati kawan2 dia, kelakar and selalu senyum. HAHA. kadang2 dia blur tauu. tu yg buat ktorang gelak tuh. husna selalu ckp 'tu ar tuh' dgn tone dia sndri. i loikee. comel jeh. wan syg sgt dgn dia even dia nih keras hati skit. kn husna kn? tp, keras hati dia kt certain org je lahh. dgn ktorg, tk dpt la jepp. mmg habis habisan ktorg pksa dia. hehehe. husna macam kakak tauu. dia garang skit. kalau dia tegur, mmg smue terima. tkut skit dgn dia, hehe. love you husnaaa! hehe.

mummmmy ATHIRAH (; yes. she loves me! kn mummy kn? i know u are. haha. she's funniest girl i ever known. she's manja. itu penting ye, hehehe. dia manja dgn semua org. lagi2 kami. kami syg our mummy. dia manja tapi dia care psl kami. dia sgt soft hearted and kdg2 suka buat benda yg kelakar. hahaha. kalau ktorg gelak kn dia, msti dia lari kt our daddy. apeace la mangsanya! hehe. daddy jgn marah yeh. another more, she's always laugh and laugh. dalam kelas, suara dia are the top. mesti dgr pnya. tk sah kalau tkde. msti ada. she loves to asking. thats her hobby. kalau melepak, suara mummy paling kuat. HAHA. kn mummy. by that, i still love you okay? like forever! muahhhh <3333

wawe wawe wawe and tiba tiba baby (: hehehehehehe. i love you biee. thanks for choosing me as your girl, ahaha. she's blasting and wonderful. she likes to smile and do some stupid jokes sometimes. she looks upward very the GATAL. hahahah. she's very honest and friendly. okay2. kisah pasal baby nihh. dulu dia lain tauu. pemalu, senyap and suka buat keje sndri. now, mcm2 sifat dia terserlah. she's sometime very brilliant with her words. hehehe. baby baby. dia bijak tapi pemalas nk mampos! syg kau bie. hahaha. <333

delighful, honest, firm and sweetheart. thats her (: NUR SYUHADA name been given. haha. i knew her since we were first semester at UITM. she sit beside me every classes and she's very kind to other people. i like the way she treat her friend. very pure and nice to talk too. her words very burning but meaningful. thanks for the advises syuee. sygg syu sgt sgt sgt. syue suka buat que senyum bila que sedih. kadang syue garang sgt dgn que. haha. jgn la garang sgt. tau tau tau? syue pn kenal que mcm mana kn? always be a close friend okay? love you yangg <333

if tadi i pggl dia syue, ni i pggl ADDA. nur syuhada hasenan, of course bezanya nama bapak kn? hehehe. nama dorg sama jeh. hahaha. nasib baik binti lain2. hehehe. adda sgt kelakar orgnya. dia suka gelak dan senyum. the way she act very comfortable with her friends. i like her sbb she's very kind. serious! dia sgt prihatin and happening. adda ada spirit dia trsndri tauu. adda sgt sgt sgt baik hati bila bab kawan. dia pndai pilih kawan. satu benda yg semua org kenal pasal adda nih bila dia bgayut.. pehhhh! satu dunia bergegar. mulut jalan, phone kt telinga, kaki tangan smue bergerak. still style jeh. tadahall pnye., hahaha. adda nih sgt popular tau, smue org suka tegur dia. HAHA. im so lucky sbb she's one of my friend. thanks adda (: saya sayang awak lahhh, gumukk!

my lovely IEKA CHUBBY. hehehe. thats nick i called her all the year i knew her. i love you sayang. b dah byk tlg nany. teman nany bila nany sedih. thanks b. bila b susah, nany nak sgt ada kt stu utk b.sbb nany tk suka tgk b sedih2! okay? she's very friendly and all her friends always happy with her! hahaha. b b b b , kami semua happy bila b happy. okay? hehehe. nanti, kita drive2 lg nak? kali ni satu KL kita merayap. syg B!

this is fathiah zailani. she's my gilfie share bra and paties together. HAHA. she's very talkative and i like the way she acted. dulu, ktorang byk sgt konflik. mcm kwn ckp blakang la apalah. but, actually smue perangai sama jeh. girls ttp girls. kan fatty? what i like about fatty is she's very strong in walking through her life and sometime she never show that she hurts in the middle of journey. im very proud of her change! go fatty go. i love you babe! suka sgt ngomel2 dgn youu, hahaha. even you the last in my list doesnt mean you last in my heart, okayyy? thanks babe! (; igt ZARA igt I. HAHAHAHA

to all my amigoss! te amor derr. all the best in life guys!